1·One clear trend stands out: Mental distress tends to linger longer after man-made disasters, like an oil spill or radiation leak, than after purely natural ones, like a hurricane.
2·Likewise, software use cases are used to gather information about how a software application interacts with its users, so it stands to reason that the two technologies should be a natural fit.
3·Forgiveness stands first of all other natural remedies.
4·He continually returns to symbolism that stands in opposition to the natural world: the bureaucratic, the technological and, most specifically, the car, the driver, the mass movement of traffic.
5·Thus, mangrove stands can recover rapidly from natural or man-made disturbances, including intensive logging.
6·Paris stands for French stone and light gray rooftops and beautiful natural colors, and all of a sudden you have got this architectural machine.
7·Paris stands for French stone and light gray rooftops and beautiful natural colors and all of a sudden you have got this architectural machine.
8·Inner value theory is a viewpoint of nature levels. It stands for a natural purpose, not for a kind of spirit.
9·Man confronts a natural world which is irreducibly other, which stands over against him, independent of his will and indifferent to his desires.
10·In the aesthetic system of Hegel, natural beauty stands as a lower basic condition of artistic beauty, which is the sensible appearance of idea since it rarely gets vigor perfusion.